The Old Record Shop - framed vinyl records and sheet music
Order online or call 01273 275049
Prices of framed records & sheet music

The prices shown below include delivery to most mainland UK addresses.

These prices will usually apply to most popular records, although there is always a chance that the record you want is rare or particularly hard to find, in which case it may be a little more expensive.

We can usually offer a discount if you would like to order more than one item and have them delivered together to the same address. (For more details please see below, near the foot of the page.)

Frame size
Price including delivery
7-inch vinyl single
30 cm x 40 cm
10-inch single ("78")
40 cm x 50 cm
12-inch vinyl single
40 cm x 50 cm
12-inch vinyl album
40 cm x 50 cm
CD single or album
30 cm x 30 cm
Sheet music
40 cm x 50 cm
Sheet music alongside 7-inch vinyl single
40 cm x 50 cm
Sheet music alongside 12-inch vinyl album
50 cm x 70 cm
Sheet music alongside photograph
40 cm x 50 cm
Delivery costs

Delivery is included in the price for most mainland UK destinations. However you will need to pay a little more for some areas of the UK and the Republic of Ireland to cover the extra costs charged to us. These are as follows:

Cost of postage
To which postcodes does this apply?
Isle of Wight
Postal districts PO30-41
Isles of Scilly
Postal districts TR21-25
Northern Ireland
BT postal area
Scottish Highlands & Islands
HS, IV, KW, ZE postal areas plus the following postal districts in the KA, PA and PH areas:
PA20-49, PA60-78,
PH17-26, PH30-44, PH49-50
All other UK addresses
Included in price of frame
All postcodes not shown above
Isle of Man
IM postal area
Channel Islands
GY and JE postal areas
Republic of Ireland
All addresses
Belgium & Netherlands
All addresses
France & Germany
All addresses
All addresses
All addresses

All addresses

All addresses

All addresses
New Zealand

All addresses
  • Any extra costs for deliveries include sales taxes, customs duty and any handling charges; you will not have to pay these costs. This also applies to EU countries since the UK left the European Union; we use a DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) service with Parcelforce called Euro Priority which ensures that you will not be asked to pay any such costs, which are charged directly to us.

  • Please contact us for prices for delivery to other parts of the world.

  • If you are local to Brighton then we can arrange for you to collect your framed record or sheet music from us by appointment. There is a £10 discount if you collect from us.
Orders for more than one item

We can usually offer a discount if you would like to order more than one item and have them delivered together to the same address.

You can either:

  • Place your orders online through this website. On the last order page please click the blue button marked "Confirm order & pay now". This will create the order. It will also reveal a yellow PayPal payment link, but don't click this.

    Complete a new order for each different framed record or sheet music. You can just go back through the order pages, edit the details and confirm the order again. This will create a new order.

    Then contact us by email or telephone on 01273 275049 and we will confirm the combined price.

  • Or call us on 01273 275049 and we can take your order and payment over the telephone.

If you order a framed record or sheet music then you can pay for your order straightaway by credit, debit or American Express card. We use PayPal as our card merchant. You don't need to have a PayPal account; just have your card details to hand. You can of course pay using a PayPal account if you wish.

If you do not wish to make an online payment and prefer to pay over the telephone then let us know and we will gladly call you. Or you can telephone us on 01273 275049 at any time.

Other ways of paying

If you do not wish to pay by card or PayPal, then you can make an online payment from your bank account. Please contact us for our bank details.